Like when I walk away from an objective, and it’s suddenly a game over with the explanation, “9S suddenly lost interest in 2B.

The credits role, and I’m greeted with a note that tells me that there’s so much more to uncover, and four more primary endings overall to greet me.īut some of the joy of Nier: Automata comes not through its subversive gameplay, flavorful contextualization of its world (like currency being the corpses of your enemies), or the layered, haunting tale it weaves but in its oddities. 9S, hacked into a large machine, lifts 2B up in his hand, and they smile at each other (or rather, we assume 9S is smiling… since he is possessing a machine). 2B makes an offhand comment about machines and androids and the fact that maybe they’re not so different after all. When Nier: Automata winds down in your first playthrough, resulting in ending A, it’s only just the beginning. And if you’re still reading at this point, beyond this is 100 percent spoiler territory, so you’ve been warned, again. Luckily, I found a long Youtube video to help with that. While I played through the game’s five primary endings and saw a handful of its joke ones by accident, I wasn’t able to see them all in my own playthroughs. One is the reward you receive for defeating a secret grueling boss.

Most are joke endings, mostly achieved by abandoning an objective. 26 endings, to be exact (one for every letter in the alphabet). There are a lot of endings in Nier: Automata. This article will contain spoilers for some of the endings of Nier: Automata, so be wary!